Allowing you to find a balance in a world where digitalisation and the hectic pace of life strongly restrict human interaction and physical activity.
Together, we offer activities linked to nature and physical movement so that you can (re)discover yourself while developing your personal and social skills.
Find out about our extensive offer in the field of education. We offer a range of activities and programs specially tailored to your needs.
You need to train yourself our your staff in the field of experiential learning without having to rely on foreign support? We can make it happen.
You want to get to know your team and colleagues in a different context than in the office, learn about specific topics, or simply have an exciting day?
Tourism & Recreation
You can check out all of our activities under the following section. We offer a variety of tailored activities or support for an activity you have developed yourself. We support your plans and needs.
La transformation et le développement
Se (re)découvrir par le contact avec la nature et les autres afin de devenir une meilleure version de soi et se dépasser.
L'esprit d'aventure
Être ouvert à des nouveaux défis et des activités insolites tout en sortant de sa zone de confort.
Proposer des expériences humaines, vivantes, orientées vers les gens, favorisant les contacts vrais et des valeurs fortes comme le partage, l'entraide, l'esprit d'équipe.
La confiance
Proposer des activités qui aident à développer les compétences personnelles tout en connaissant ses propres faiblesses.
Le respect
Proposer des activités qui soutiennent le développement de relations respectueuses avec soi, les autres participants et la nature ou l‘environnement
Our offer in a nutshell
"The training courses in the domain of experiential education that I attended a teacher helped me grow not only on a professional, but also on a personal level. You had to leave your comfort zone and surpass yourself. The training courses were concise and the time ...
"Great! Interesting games, that resulted in a great atmosphere. We recognised our strength as a group, and the activity reenforced our idea of a team."
"Varied, well organised and practical. The trainers really did a good job. The atmosphere was pleasant and never boring. The concept also has a great use within our school classes."
"In my opinion the activities were very well suited for children and had great educational benefits. I also liked, that the groups were a bit smaller. Our trainer cared for each child individually. Perceived and reacted to every comment of the children. The children were praised ...
Wir suchen Verstärkung im Bereich Teambuilding. Nous recrutons dans le domaine du team building. (Verlängerung bis 31.01.2025)
Outdoor-Aktivitäten und Abenteuersport: Einige gute Gründe, mehr Zeit im Freien zu verbringen
Angebote, wie die von NBE, erlauben es Personen jeglichen Alters einen Zugang zu Outdoor-Aktivitäten zu finden und sich gleichzeitig wieder mit den wichtigsten Dingen im Leben zu verbinden. Etliche Studien haben belegt, dass es besser ist, aus dem städtischen Raum...
Internat Sainte-Marie Blogpost #spotlight
In einer bemerkenswerten Initiative hat das Internat Sainte-Marie in Mertzig das Team von NBE kontaktiert, um gemeinsam unvergessliche Naturerlebnisse für die Kinder zu gestalten. Nach einem einführenden Gespräch und einer intensiven Abstimmung, wurde beschlossen,...
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